Posting Approvals

Posting approvals for the bulletin boards within the Markee Pioneer Student Center are handled by the Information Center staff. If you have a poster you would like displayed on the bulletin boards, we can accept up to three copies of the poster.

All posters must include the date, time, place, sponsor, and price, if applicable. Posters without the items listed above will not be approved for posting. The university disability statement is required for on campus departments and organizations.

  • Posters may remain posted for a maximum of two (2) weeks or until the event is scheduled, whichever comes first.
  • Posters will be initialed and dated for removal by the Information Center staff.
  • Markee Pioneer Student Center staff will post and monitor all items on the boards.
  • Posters advertising a series of activities must be approved by the Markee Pioneer Student Center Assistant Director and if approved, may only be posted through the last event publicized.
  • The Markee Pioneer Student Center reserves the right to request editing of inappropriate language or artistry or deny the right to post. Any advertising of materials not related to the educational mission may be deemed inappropriate. Ideological/political materials will be allowed as long as they are not found offensive. Materials in which the sale of alcohol is a primary focus are not allowed.
  • In order to provide for our primary customers, Markee Pioneer Student Center staff may remove any non-university postings to allow room for university-sponsored postings.

Other than designated bulletin boards, nothing may be hung in the Markee Pioneer Student Center without approval from the Markee Pioneer Student Center Assistant Director. Unless otherwise noted, the Markee Pioneer Student Center staff will remove all unauthorized postings.

Display Cases and Banners

Student organizations and campus departments may reserve display case and banner locations throughout the Markee with the Event Reservations office.

Personal Announcements

Personal announcements cards pertaining to Items for Sale, Roommate Wanted, For Rent or Miscellaneous items are available at the Information Center. Fill out the appropriate card and return it to the Information Center. Cards will be posted on a bulletin board near the Bear's Den.

Contact Information

Markee Pioneer Student Center

1300 Markee Pioneer Student Center