Wellness is the experience of having good physical health, stable emotional and mental health, social connectedness, spiritual connectedness, and academic and professional stability. 

When you feel content, purpose-driven, part of a community, peaceful, energized, resilient, and safe, then you are feeling a state of wellness.

University Counseling Services developed this page as a way to offer resources for students to create wellness. Although these resources can be a helpful addition to reduce stress, we do not necessarily recommend self-help as a sole course of treatment for mental health concerns. If you feel as though a problem you are experiencing is beyond your control at this time, talking through your problems or concerns with a counselor may help deepen your understanding of what is happening and help you develop alternative ways of dealing with the situation.

Wellness Walk

Wellness stations have been placed along several interlocking trails on campus. It is a self-paced activity that emphasizes emotional wellness as an element of overall health. When physical activities are offered in outdoor environments they can facilitate physical and emotional relaxation as well as provide benefit to one’s mood and thoughts.

Wellness WalkThrough the placement of 10 stations, the Wellness Walk provides the campus community an activity to strengthen the health of individuals by improving emotional wellness and providing a permanent, structured way to engage in these practices on a regular basis.

The walk is approximately 1.3 miles, and it takes about 50 minutes to complete. Take a journey in self-care.

Contact Information

Counseling Services

Monday–Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.