Are you considering transferring from another two-year or four-year university to UW-Platteville to complete your degree? We’re here to help make the process as simple as possible so that you can discover your passion, achieve your educational goals, and succeed. Learn more about the admission guidelines and process for applying to transfer to UW-Platteville.

Transfer Appointments

Transfer specialists are available to help you with all parts of the transfer process. If you have questions, register for a 30-minute virtual meeting* for assistance with:

  • Learning more about degree programs
  • Completing your application
  • Determining how your credit will transfer
  • Deciding the best time to transfer
  • Exploring articulation agreements and other transfer resources

*Virtual meeting not mandatory before applying

Schedule a transfer appointment

If you have already been admitted and looking for the next steps, please review the Transfer Checklist.

Admission Guidelines

All applications receive a comprehensive review. Academic preparation is the primary criteria used in the admissions review process. Transfer students meeting the following requirements will be considered for admission if they have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher in college transfer courses and are in good standing at the institution they are currently attending or have attended.

Applicants must have 12 or more transferable credits from an accredited institution to be considered for admission as a transfer. Applicants with fewer than 12 credits must meet new freshmen admission guidelines.

Application Process

To apply to UW-Platteville as a transfer student, please submit the following:

Unofficial transcripts from colleges and universities you are currently attending are accepted from for admission consideration. Official transcripts are required prior to the advising/registration program.

Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis, and applications are processed as long as space is available or until enrollment goals have been met. Students are encouraged to apply early in order to be eligible for advanced registration periods.

Entry TermApplication Review Begins
FallAugust 1
SpringApril 1
SummerDecember 1

Application Change Form

If you have already submitted your application for undergraduate admission and need to change your information, please complete the Application Change Form.

Transfer Credits

Credits may be accepted from all properly accredited four-year and two-year institutions recognized by the Council for Higher Education. Generally, a maximum of 72 credits will be accepted from two-year institutions. Transfer coursework from the Wisconsin Technical College System is limited to previously established articulation agreements. Credits not accepted for transfer include vocational or unapproved technical, remedial or doctrinal.

If you are transferring from a UW System institution with an Associate of Arts or Science, you will meet all of the university general education requirements. Review the other institutions that have transfer agreements that will meet general education requirements with UW-Platteville or plan which courses you can transfer with our transfer guides.

Find transfer agreements and guides

Login to Transferology to see how your courses will transfer.


Change of Campus

Students who started their education at our Baraboo Sauk County or Richland campuses enjoy a simplified process with a Change of Campus, rather than completing the transfer application. Learn more about Change of Campus.

Learn How Credits Transfer

Create a free account with Transferology to learn how your credits can transfer into UW-Platteville.


Find your Admission Counselor