Early College Credit Program and High School Special Student

UW-Platteville allows high school students to take courses and earn college credit as a High School Special student or through the Early College Credit Program, provided that they meet the requirements for entry, receive necessary approval from their full time school district of attendance, and course availability. Follow these steps to get started.

Step 1

Review the admission guidelines to assure you are eligible to apply, application deadlines for each term, and the important notes about High School Special and Early College Credit Program.

Step 2

Complete and submit the Early College Credit Program Participation Form to demonstrate you have reviewed the admission guidelines and received approval from your high school to participate. These steps MUST be completed before moving to step 3.

  • Download the Early College Credit Program participation form or request the form from your high school counselor. Please print neatly or type your answers into the document.
  • Talk with your school counselor about your school’s deadlines to have this form approved by your school district.
  • Review the recommended courses and make selections in collaboration with your school counselor. Please note: Online courses are rarely available to ECCP and/or High School Special students as those courses are generally full to capacity prior to ECCP/High School Special registration. A viable online option for students is UW Independent Learning.
  • Confirm you and your parent/guardian understand the terms of the agreement, including any cost you may have to pay.
  • Submit the completed, signed form to uwpadmissions@uwplatt.edu.

Step 3

Apply to UW-Platteville.

Step 4

Once all materials are received, the application will be reviewed, and communication will be sent to the school and directly to the student regarding their admission status. Make sure to check the email address regularly that you submitted on your ECCP application. UW-Platteville will be communicating next steps with you closer to your registration period.

NOTE: Submission of an ECCP form, UW-Platteville application, and transcript are required for each term a student would like to enroll as a high school special or ECCP student.