The Tree-Ring, Earth, and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (TREES Lab) is a hub of undergraduate research at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Faculty, staff, and students collaboratively integrate teaching and research to answer questions about past environments that shape understanding of current and future environmental change and the integral role of people in shaping that change. Housed within the Department of Environmental Sciences & Society, the TREES Lab provides students with high-impact learning experiences as they engage in authentic research that increases their knowledge of our world while building a robust set of skills and experiences that are in high demand by employers and graduate programs.
Our primary areas of research and expertise include Dendrochronology, Geospatial Analysis, and sediment-based Quaternary Paleoecology. We offer fee-based services in tree-ring, geographic information system, sediment, and charcoal analysis to academic laboratories, private businesses, and interested individuals. If you are interested in gaining research experience through an independent project or by working as a research assistant on one of our projects, please contact Dr. Evan Larson at 608.342.6139.

Our vision is to prepare and inspire generations of UW-Platteville undergraduate students through authentic research experiences that prepare them for graduate study and careers in science while developing an internationally-recognized laboratory that attracts and retains outstanding students, faculty, and staff.
Our mission is to promote the scholarly development of undergraduate students, faculty, and staff through high-impact experiences in fundamental and applied field- and laboratory-based research to create a vibrant and diverse academic environment that produces highly-skilled graduates while engaging in research on regional, national, and international scales.
The values guiding TREES Lab activities include:
We celebrate and excel in the teaching and advising mission central to UW-Platteville.Research
We engage students through authentic, student-driven undergraduate research.Diversity
We promote Inclusive Excellence through high-impact activities that incorporate student diversity.Integrity
We create a positive atmosphere of trust, honesty, openness, and accountability.Realism
We remain realistic, flexible, and adaptive to change.Excellence
We provide services, results, and reports in a timely, efficient, and thorough manner.