Student Usage

Persons Entitled to Use the Textbook Center

Students currently enrolled for courses pay for textbook rental via Segregated Fees Part B, as listed on student tuition statements. All books are to be returned to the Textbook Center at the end of each session. Should a student have an independent study or an incomplete, it is the student's responsibility, not the instructor's, to advise the Textbook Center of the student's need to keep their books past the due date.

Persons Not Entitled to Use the Textbook Center

Students who have opted-out of textbook rental (must apply each semester) and students enrolled in the Continuing Education Program, Adult Education Program (AE), Educational Administration Certification Program (AE), English Language Learning Teacher Licensure Program (ELL), and Education Abroad Program do not pay textbook rental fees and are not entitled to check out books from the Textbook Center.

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for books/materials checked out to them and bear the responsibility of the return of the materials and for replacement if the materials are lost, stolen, or damaged. This also includes other items such as DVDs, CDs, etc. that come with the books.

Students returning books in damaged condition, excluding normal wear, will be billed. The student pays a minimum penalty of $5.00. As the amount of damage increases, the penalty increases at the discretion of the Textbook Center manager. The penalty is based on the estimated time to repair the book. If damage is extensive, the full price of the book is due. 

Damages include, but are not limited to: liquid (rain, snow, coffee, juice, etc.), fire (scorched), chemical spills, teeth marks (rodents, pets, children, etc.). It is strongly recommended not to place water bottles and fruit in backpacks, as doing so could cause damage to books. If liquid damage happens, the entire cost of the damaged books will be due. The Textbook Center encourages students to utilize the reusable bags provided by the Textbook Center to line their backpacks.

Replacement books (correct ISBN, title, author, edition required) will be accepted in lieu of any damaged book(s). If students wish to purchase a replacement book, the student will owe a $5.00 per book re-processing fee. Replacement book(s) must be in good condition (as judged by the Textbook Center). The book(s) may not be shipped directly from the place of purchase to the Textbook Center. Replacement books are due by the last day of the published late fee period.

A Damage Fee of $5.00 per book will be assessed for tampering with or removal of the Textbook Center's bar code label.

Higher Education Opportunity

The Textbook Provision of the Higher Education Opportunity Act requires that students have access to the cost of course materials at the time they register for classes.  Below is an excerpt from the law:

(a) PURPOSE AND INTENT. —The purpose of this section is to ensure that students have access to affordable course materials by decreasing costs to students and enhancing transparency and disclosure with respect to the selection, purchase, sale, and use of course materials. It is the intent of this section to encourage all of the involved parties, including faculty, students, administrators, institutions of higher education, bookstores, distributors, and publishers, to work together to identify ways to decrease the cost of college textbooks and supplemental materials for students while supporting the academic freedom of faculty members to select high quality course materials for students. 

Contact Information

Textbook Center

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Main Campus 
Textbook Center 
University of Wisconsin-Platteville 
1 University Plaza 
Platteville, WI 53818-3099

Baraboo Sauk County Campus 
T.N. Savides Library 
University of Wisconsin-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County 
1006 Connie Road 
Baraboo, WI 53913-1015