Book Pickup
- Before arriving to pick up your textbooks, sign the Rental Agreement (found in “TASK” tile in PASS).
- Bring your required Campus ID Card.
- Bring your book list, in printed or any digital format (found in Academics tab in PASS).
Textbook Rental Agreement
Campus card required
Use PASS, not PASS Express
Students are required to electronically sign the "Textbook Rental Agreement" prior to picking up textbooks. This Agreement is found on the student's PASS Account under the "Task Tile" at the PASS homepage approximately three weeks prior to classes beginning for the semester. Once at the PASS homepage, click on:
- "Task" tile (see image below)
- "Textbook Agreement"
- Complete the six steps and "Submit"
- Textbook list will pop up
- Print or snapshot
Once you have completed the Agreement, your booklist can also be found on your "Student Center" page under "My Booklist" to the left of your class schedule.
Note: All textbook fines must be paid before you can print your booklist.

Picking up your books
Bring the following when picking up your textbooks:
- Campus Card
- Printed booklist or smart device (screenshot) to view your booklist
- Empty backpack(s) will now be allowed in the Textbook Center for bagging your books
Once in the Textbook Center, students proceed to the shelves to pick up books. Books are presented to the Textbook Center clerk for checkout. Before leaving the Textbook Center, books should be checked for damages. If there is a problem, the clerk should be advised at the time of checkout so the book can be stamped and marked accordingly.
If any text appears to be in short supply, the Textbook Center manager checks the registration records to ascertain if there will be enough copies of the text. If it is apparent that the text is in short supply, the Textbook Center will remove two textbooks and put the books on reserve in Karrmann Library. This will allow students the use of a textbook until additional books are received.
During the first three weeks of classes, students are allowed to check out only those books designated for their registered classes. This will ensure that all students are given a chance to pick up assigned books. After the first three weeks of classes, students may check out any other available books.