On Earth Day of 2021, in a show of its commitment to sustainability, UW-Platteville pledged to become a zero waste campus by 2035. The effort was initiated by a group of students who researched and prepared a proposal for the zero waste plan and presented it to senior leadership. Using petitions, coalition letters, and the Student Senate annual referendum vote, the group of students secured overwhelming support for the zero waste idea from the student body. A zero waste campus is defined as diverting 90% of unwanted items from landfills through recycling, composting, or reusing.


Large campus-owned batteries or a large quantity of batteries can be picked up directly by the Pioneer Restore. Smaller batteries can be sent to the Pioneer Restore through campus mail. Please cover battery terminals with tape.

Please contact Risk Management Office regarding any expanded or damaged batteries.

Batteries can also be placed in the battery recycling bin located in the Markee Pioneer Student Center.

Compost and Organic Waste

Donate non-perishable food items to the campus food pantry, Pioneer Provisions, located in Glenview Commons.

Community members may place lawn waste at the community compost pile on Southwest Road, or follow these instructions for curbside pickup.


If it plugs in or powers on, consider it "electronic" and don't throw it away. Send all campus-owned (or on-campus residents') electronics to the Pioneer Restore for sustainable processing and disposal. Please check with ITS & Media Tech Studies at 608.342.1421 before sending equipment that are tracked in their inventories.

To dispose of personally-owned electronics, take your items to Tri ComGoodwill, or Faherty Inc. in Platteville, or Best Buy in Dubuque. There are many different types of electronics, so we recommend that you call first to see that the location will accept your specific items.

Ink and Toner Cartridges

Check the new ink or toner box to see if there is a return label provided. These are typically found in HP products. If included, simply ship the cartridge back to the manufacturer for recycling. If no return label is provided, please use campus mail to send them to the Pioneer Restore in Glenview Commons for processing and recycling.

Landfill Waste

These disposable items should go in containers marked "Landfill":

  • All plastic bags and plastic wrap; any other plastics not marked with #1-7
  • Food waste, where composting is unavailable
  • Paper towels, where composting is unavailable
  • Disposable food containers and cups, unless recyclable
  • Food-covered items
  • Styrofoam
  • Waxy and plastic-coated cardboard

Lightbulbs and Ballasts

Lightbulbs and lamp ballasts should be handled by Facilities Management staff and stored carefully in designated building locations until ready for removal.

Lightbulb disposal instructions

Please keep boxes open and unsealed and contact the Pioneer Restore to arrange drop off time for recycling, or with any questions.

Single-Stream Recycling

All paper, plastic, metal, and glass should go in single-stream recycling bins located throughout campus.

Recycling Guide

The same recycling practices apply for all of Platteville.

Special and Hazardous Materials

To dispose of campus-owned special or hazardous materialscontact the Risk Management Office. Special and hazardous materials include materials that are potentially harmful when not disposed of properly, such as:

  • Acid waste
  • Aerosol Cans
  • Asbestos containing equipment, asbestos waste
  • Compressed gas cylinders
  • Contaminated labware
  • Freon-containing equipment (e.g. refrigerators, AC units)
  • Mercury
  • Paint
  • Photographic fixer
  • Peroxide-forming chemicals
  • Radioactive waste
  • Sharps: needles, razorblades, scalpels, etc.
  • Solvent-soaked rags
  • Unwanted chemicals
  • Used oil or antifreeze
  • Waste solvents

To dispose of personal special/universal/hazardous waste, please call Faherty, Inc at 608.348.9586.

Unneeded or Unwanted Items (Surplus)

Campus-owned items that are no longer needed, but still have potential resale value are processed through the Pioneer Restore.

We keep it simple. Almost anything and everything owned by campus, excluding potentially hazardous materials, will be picked up.