The University of Wisconsin-Platteville is proud to have received a silver ranking from the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. UW-Platteville submitted STARS applications in 2016 and 2018, and in 2018 we received this silver ranking. You can find all of our reporting and data.

Details about the STARS Ranking Systems

AASHE develops the most commonly used model to rank sustainability at higher education institutions.

This model, called the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS), is used by organizations such as Sierra Magazine and the Princeton Review to rank "green" colleges and universities across the world.

This self-reporting framework encompasses long-term sustainability goals and defines sustainability in a pluralistic and inclusive way, encompassing human and ecological health, social justice, secure livelihoods, and a better world for all generations.

STARS attempts to translate this broad and inclusive view of sustainability to measurable objectives at the campus level. It includes credits related to an institution’s environmental, social, and economic performance.

Below you can see a list of STARS credits. You can visit STARS for more information, including the complete technical manual.

Academics - 58 points available

Engagement - 42 points available

Operations - 67-72 points available

Planning & Administration - 32 points available

Innovation - 4 points available

Innovation - 4 Points

  1. Innovation credits are reserved for new, extraordinary, unique, ground-breaking, or uncommon outcomes, policies, and practices that greatly exceed the highest criterion of an existing STARS credit or are not covered by an existing STARS credit. In general, innovation credits should have roughly similar impacts or be on the same scale as other STARS credits.
  2. Outcomes, policies, and practices that are innovative for the institution’s region or institution type are eligible for innovation credits.
  3. The innovative practice, policy, program, or outcome must have occurred within the three years prior to the anticipated date of submission.
  4. The innovative practice or program has to be something that the institution has already done; planned activities do not count.
  5. The innovative practice or program should originate from an area within the defined institutional boundary.
  6. An institution can only claim a particular activity as an innovation credit once. When re-submitting for a STARS rating, an innovation credit that the institution submitted previously cannot be re-submitted. An institution that has made significant advancements to a project or program that was previously submitted as an innovation may resubmit based on those advancements if the project or program is still considered innovative.
  7. Practices, policies, and programs that were once considered innovative but are now widely adopted (e.g. being the first institution to enact a policy 20 years ago that is now common) may not be claimed as innovation credits.
  8. Multiple activities or practices whose sum is innovative can be considered for an innovation credit as long as those activities or practices are related. For example, three innovative waste reduction programs in research laboratories could be listed together under a single innovation credit for Greening Laboratories. Listing a series of unrelated accomplishments or events under a single innovation credit is not accepted.
  9. While the practices that led to receiving an award may be appropriate for an innovation credit, winning awards and/or high sustainability rankings in other assessments is not, in and of itself, grounds for an innovation credit. When the innovation is part of a partnership, the summary provided must clearly describe the institution’s role in the innovation.

* credit does not apply to all institutions