Each student on the UW-Platteville campus is assigned either a faculty or auxiliary advisor. You can find your advisor’s name and contact information by going to the "Student Center" in PASS. You should meet with your advisor on a regular basis in an effort to get to know each other and prepare for the end goal of graduation.

It is your responsibility to be prepared for advising appointments. The following is a list of items that should be on your "to-do" list when scheduling an appointment with your advisor.

Registration/Advising Checklist

Schedule an Appointment with your advisor

  • Log on to PASS, click on “Student Center,” and you should see your advisor listed in the right-hand column.
  • Check with your advisor prior to registration to learn how to schedule an appointment and when your advisor would like to see you to talk about the upcoming registration period. This can be anywhere from a few days to a week.
  • Make sure to obtain your PIN from your advisor so you can remove your advising hold in PASS.

Make a mock schedule using Schedule Builder in PASS

  • Make several different schedules since some classes you want may close before you register.
  • Bring these schedules to your advising appointment.

Review general education requirements

  • Print and review your Academic Requirements Report in PASS (under the “Student Center” link) to keep track of which courses you still need to take.
  • Helpful tip: Take courses that count for more than one General Education requirement!

Verify registration date/time

  • Log on to PASS, click on “Student Center” and you should see your enrollment date in the right-hand column.

Ask for advice about your major

  • Your advisor can point you in the right direction when deciding your major.
  • Your advisor also can show you how to use the career and education planning tools provided by the Career and Professional Development Office.

Consider asking your advisor about additional educational opportunities

  • Studying Abroad
  • Summer Internships
  • Research Experiences
  • Minors that might be appropriate or beneficial with your major
  • Tips for succeeding in college

Additional Resources

Current students: learn more about academic advising.