The University Bias Incident Team (UBIT) is a group of campus representatives committed to supporting students, faculty, and staff who have been affected by a bias incident.

Incidents of bias can affect anyone on campus. They can be directed at groups on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, among other factors; and they can affect different populations on campus, such as students—whether living in the residence halls or off campus—faculty, staff, and visitors. For these reasons, the membership of UBIT was deliberately chosen to include representatives with diverse expertise in various areas of the university:

  • Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Education
  • Associate Director, Department of Residence Life
  • Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
  • Chief of University Police
  • Communications Director
  • Dean of Students
  • Director of Student Access and Academic Support
  • Executive Assistant
  • Executive Director of Student Life and Development and SSAO
  • Executive Director, Student Access and Academic Support & Senior Diversity Officer
  • Human Resources Manager

UBIT reviews any reported incidents of bias, gathers information, and recommends a plan of action to ensure that those affected by the incident receive support.

UBIT provides the campus community with an online, confidential reporting form that can be submitted anonymously. As reports are investigated, information is only shared with those assisting in the response and compliance with all state and federal mandates is maintained.

To see a summary of ways to report an incident or concern at UW-Platteville, please visit Reporting A Concern.

Bias Incident Reporting

The purpose of this confidential reporting form is to monitor the occurrence of hate incidents both on and off campus. The identity of the victim will be kept confidential. Completing this form will not necessarily result in criminal or university action; however, the type of incident and/or the victim’s willingness to take further action will determine whether or not additional steps will be taken.

Incidents of prejudice and/or hate incidents are taken seriously at UW-Platteville. Not only because their occurrences are totally counter to the mission of UW-Platteville, but also because everyone has a right to feel safe. Any harmful act which appears to be motivated or is perceived by the victim to be motivated all or in part by race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender, or disability is considered a hate incident. The university must address behaviors of intolerance. There are multiple avenues to address those behaviors, depending on the parties involved, the location of the incident, and the type of the incident. Completing this form is an important step to help us understand our campus climate and how we can create an environment where everyone feels welcome.

Victims or witnesses of hate incidents should complete this form. You may fill out as much or as little information as you choose; however, in an effort for the university to respond appropriately, it is important to include as much information as possible. Please list your name if you wish to be contacted by the Office of Student Life for a follow-up. If you are under 18 years of age and do not want to make an official police report, do not include your name on this form.

For any incident, you may contact the Dean of Students office (608.342.1854) for help. If the incident occurred on campus, you may also contact University Police (608.342.1584). If the incident occurred off campus, you may contact the City of Platteville Police Department (608.348.2313) or the police department where the incident occurred.

If you have any questions about the University Bias Incident Team, please reach out to the co-conveners, Kate Demerse ( or Alison Parkins (

Contact Information

Student Access & Academic Support

2400 Ullsvik Hall