
UW-Platteville's Multifaith Space is a dedicated area on campus for all students, faculty, and staff from all religious or non-religious backgrounds, to meditate, pray, reflect individually or in a group. In addition to the main area, there is also private space available, as well as a hand and foot washing station.


The Multifaith Space is moving. Come back soon for our new location.


  • Turn off all sound devices (including cell phones, iPods, etc.)
  • Do not bring food or drink into the room
  • Do not remove anything from the room
  • Do not use this room as a study space (i.e. no typing, text messaging, writing, or other study activities)
  • No flammables are permitted—no candles, no incense, and no open flames of any kind
  • Personal prayer rugs can be stored in the room
  • Do not leave any other personal belongings in the room
  • The university is not responsible for lost or stolen articles from the room

Contact Information

Student Access & Academic Support

2400 Ullsvik Hall