Get involved
Bayfield, WI Practicum
In the semester prior to student teaching, you have the opportunity to take part in a unique practicum located in Bayfield, WI. This two-week intercultural teaching experience will give you the opportunity to learn more about culturally-responsive teaching practices and implementing Act 31 in the classroom.
United Kingdom
You’re invited to participate in a two-week faculty led study abroad to the United Kingdom, where you will spend two weeks visiting a variety of rural and urban schools in Grantham, Leicester City and London, England as well as visits to Edinburgh, Scotland and Cardiff, Wales. Housed in beautiful and historic Harlaxton Manor, you will return with a greater understanding of international education and an expanded worldview.
Act 31: American Indian Tribes
The American Indian Summer Institute will teach you about the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of the 11 federally recognized American Indian tribes in Wisconsin. It also addresses the Act 31 legislation, which requires future educators to be knowledgeable about Wisconsin tribes.
This weeklong summer institute will provide you with a wealth of information about how to become a culturally responsive teacher not only of American Indian children, but every student in their future classrooms. You will receive a certification from the Wisconsin Department of Instruction, which is a valuable addition to any portfolio.
Aspiring Educators
Our local chapter of Aspiring Educators is open to all education majors and will give you the opportunity to connect with other education majors, attend conferences at the state and national level, and participate in events around campus and our community.
Education Resource Room
Join your fellow education majors in the ERR (Doudna 125) to study, get to know other education majors, have your lunch, or attend one of our many social events.