The mission of the Safety and Risk Management office at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville is to provide students, staff, and visitors with a safe and healthy environment for learning and living. This office provides the campus with direction in the areas of general safety and risk management, property and liability insurance, loss prevention and control, occupational safety and training, chemical hygiene, ergonomics, hazardous material/waste management, environmental management, and emergency management. The goal of Risk Management is to minimize, evaluate and control any avoidable risks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where do I get a Certificate of Insurance? How do I show that the University has insurance coverage for its employees?
A. When taking part in certain events, you may be asked to provide proof of insurance coverage. Contact the Office of Safety and Risk Management at Ext. 1188 or email:
safety@uwplatt.edu, and one can be provided for you.
Q. Do I need a Hold Harmless Waiver for my event?
A. While the University cannot be held liable for injuries which occur at events that it sponsors, Risk Management likes to have people sign these. It gives participants a clear indication that they cannot seek compensation for injuries which take place and provides us with the ability to seek emergency medical treatment for them if needed. Contact the Office of Safety and Risk Management at Ext. 1188 or email:
safety@uwplatt.edu or go to /files/safety/volunteer_agreement_for_assumption_of_risk.pdf
You may update this document to reflect your event and submit to Risk Management for approval.
Q. Are students covered by University insurance if they are injured?
A. Students are not covered by University insurance if they are injured on campus. The exception is for Student-Employees of the University. They are covered if – and only if – they are injured as part of their employment with the University. All injuries are investigated to determine their cause and legitimacy.
Q. I have some chemicals or materials that I don’t want anymore. What should I do with them?
A. If you would like the Office of Safety and Risk Management to handle the clean-up of a lab, removal and cataloging of chemicals, the following rate applies: $195 removal fee + $3/lb. removed. We encourage you to contact the Office of Safety and Risk Management immediately to mitigate hazardous chemicals on our campus.
If you have a question that isn't answered here, please send an email to safety@uwplatt.edu.