Snow Emergency for Parking (SEP) ordinance is now in effect for anyone who parks a motor vehicle between Nov. 15 and April 1 on the following UW-Platteville streets:

  • University Plaza
  • Greenwood Avenue between Longhorn Drive and the west end
  • College Drive from Greenwood Avenue to Sunset Drive

When a Snow Emergency for Parking is called, students must park their cars as follows:

  • A DAYS = Park on the “A” side of the street (South/East). Look for the signs posted "A" and park on that side of the street.
    • Cemetery side of Greenwood, Wilgus side of College, and Royce side of University Plaza
  • B DAYS = Park on the B side of the street (North/West). Look for the signs posted "B" and park on that side of the street.
    • Res. Hall side of Greenwood, Melcher side of College, and Apartment side of University Plaza

When a Snow Emergency for Parking is in effect for a two-day period, failure to comply will result in a $50 citation and your vehicle will be towed (minimum $100 fee).

A Snow Emergency for Parking decision will be made by no later than 3 pm for the parking restriction to go into effect at 12 am on the following date.

Again, SEP will occur for a two-day period so that both sides of the street can be plowed. A longer period of removal may be designated if more time is required to adequately clear the streets. For specific dates, check your UW-Platteville email, hall postings, or your hall's main desk.

Example: If a Snow Emergency for Parking is declared, all vehicles on the streets will have to be parked on the A Side (South or East sides) of the streets by no later than 12:01 am on posted A Day.

On the second night of Snow Emergency for Parking, vehicles on the streets will have to be parked on the B Side (North or West sides) of the streets by no later than 12:01 am on posted B Day.


  • E-mail notice sent to all UW-Platteville students, faculty, and staff
  • Fliers on Residence Hall entrances and exits
  • Notices in Residence Hall mailboxes
  • Posted on the university housing website

Citations & Violations

The University Police Department will issue parking citations for any vehicle parked in violation of the SEP rules. The citation amount is $50. If you drive, own, or use a vehicle it is your responsibility to find out if a SEP has been declared and follow the instructions.

Vehicles parked in violation of the SEP will be towed to the football stadium parking lot (Parking Lot 10). The towing charge to remove a vehicle in violation is a minimum of $100. Combined with the citation, that amount increases to $150.

Commuter and Staff parking lots are restricted to No Parking from 2 am – 6 am all year long. Anyone who violates this restriction during a snow declaration will be issued a $50 snow removal parking citation.

Parking Options

  • On the correct side of the street (side not scheduled to be plowed).
  • If you possess a Residence Hall permit you many park in any Residence Hall lot
  • On a valid city street (alternate side parking is always enforced each night from Nov. 15 – April 1)

*Commuter, staff, and metered lots/stalls or on Circle Drive between the hours of 2 am – 6 am are restricted to NO PARKING all year long. Anyone who violates this restriction during a snow declaration will be issued a $50 snow removal parking citation.

*Meters by Southwest Hall and on University Plaza are enforced 24 hours every day. Parking permits are not valid at meters.

NOTE: An announcement of SEP by UW-Platteville has no relationship to classes being canceled. Please see the Inclement Weather Policy for UW-Platteville for information on the procedures regarding scheduled classes.

For further clarification refer to the front desk and the SEP materials posted around the Residence Halls.

Contact Information

Residence Life

1300 Ullsvik Hall