The Final Exam Schedule is intended for undergraduate students at the Platteville and Baraboo campuses. Graduate and Distance campus students should check with their instructors regarding Final Exams.

Each exam is scheduled for one hour and 50 minutes. Certain classes are scheduled for exam groups 1-12. Classes which DO NOT have an exam group number will be scheduled during finals week according to the time they meet on the earliest day of each week during the semester. All classes that meet at 4:00 pm or later will meet with the evening class on the first day that the class normally meets. All classes are expected to meet for examination or other instructional purposes at the time assigned in the finals week schedule. The department chairperson, or director, and the dean of the college must approve any exceptions in advance. Exceptions made by an instructor for an individual student do not need approval. No student should have to take more than three exams a day. If a student has more than three exams scheduled in any given day, the 10:00 am, the 3:00 pm or the 7:00 pm exam must be rescheduled if the student requested it.

*Adopted by Faculty Senate on December 11, 1984.

Contact Information


2100 Ullsvik Hall
Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m.–4:15 p.m