Legal Abbreviations
Always check the source in which abbreviation is found; many titles provide a unique list of abbreviations in front or back of the book or series. Check also the subscription database LexisNexis Academic for access to titles.
Abbreviation | Stands For | Location or Explanation |
a. | act | Wisconsin Statutes |
Aff'd OR Aff'g | Affirmed OR Affirming | appeals court upheld or is upholding a lower court decision |
ARB (CCH) | Labor Arbitration Awards | Decisions Included KF3464.A6 C63 |
c. | Chapter | Wisconsin Statutes (old form of a.) |
CA - 1-11 | U.S. Court of Appeals, lst-11th Circuits | Not Applicable |
CB | Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletin | Ref KF6200.5 .A5 1972- Also see LexisNexis Academic |
CCH | Commerce Clearing House | publishing company |
CCH NLRB | Commerce Clearing House. NLRB Decisions | Ref KF3464.A6 C626 1972- (National Labor Relations Board) |
cert. denied | certiorari denied, higher court | will not further consider the case |
cert. dismissed | certiorari dismissed, higher court | will not further consider the case |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | Ref KF70 .A3 Also LexisNexis Academic |
C.J.S. | Corpus Juris Secundum | Ref KF65 .M3 |
Ct. Cl. | Court of Claims | Not Applicable |
DC | District Court | federal trial court |
D.C. Cir. | U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia | Not Applicable |
E.D. Wis. | Eastern District of Wisconsin | federal district court |
EEOC DECISIONS (CCH) | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Decisions | In Employment Practices Guide Ref KF3464.A6 E462 |
EPD | Employment Practices Decisions | Ref KF3464.A6 E46 |
F., F.2d | Federal Reporter, (2ND) series | Available interlibrary loan |
FR | Federal Register | Gov. Pubs microfiche AE 2.106: |
F.R.D. | Federal Rules Decisions | not owned, see LexisNexis Academic |
F. Supp. | Federal Supplement | Available interlibrary loan |
L./WIS.LAWS | Laws of Wisconsin | KFW2425 .W5 |
LC (CCH) | Labor Cases | Ref KF3464.A6 C62 |
L.Ed., L.Ed.2d | Lawyers' Edition, U.S. Supreme Court Reports | not owned, see LexisNexis Academic |
Marq. L. Rev. | Marquette Law Review | In periodicals Dept., 1980- |
NLRB | National Labor Relations Board | Government Publications LR 1.8: |
N.W., N.W.2d | North Western Reporter, (2ND) series | not owned (Wisconsin cases found in WIS., WIS.2d) |
OP.ATTY GEN. (OAG) | Opinions of the Attorney General of the State of Wisconsin | Government Publications WI Att.1: |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Act | In Employment Safety and Health Guide Ref KF3568.4 E4 |
OSHD | Occupational Safety and Health Decisions | Ref KF3568.3.A2 023 1971- |
P.L. | Public Law, United States Statutes at Large | Ref KF50 .U5 Also LexisNexis Academic |
Rev. Rul. | Revenue Rulings | See Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletin and also LexisNexis Academic |
R.S. | Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin | KFW2430 .A2 Also LexisNexis Academic |
SCR | Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Also in Wisconsin Court Rules and Procedures (state) Ref KFW2929. A1983 | Ref KFW2929 .A4 |
S. Ct. | Supreme Court Reporter | not owned |
SFTR (CCH) | Standard Federal Tax Reporter | Ref KF6285 .C67 |
Stat. | United States Statutes at Large | Ref KF50 .U5 |
T.C. | Reports of the United States Tax Court | KF6260.A2 T37 |
TCM (CCH) | Tax Court Memorandum Decisions | Ref KF6280.A2 C73 |
U.S. | United States Reports | KF8742.A4 U5 |
U.S.C. | United States Code | Ref KF62 .A1 |
U.S.C.A. | United States Code Annotated | Ref KF62 .W4 |
UST | United States Treaties and Other International Agreements | JX231 .A34 |
USTC (CCH) | U. S. Tax Cases | Ref KF6280.A2 C63 |
W.D. Wis. | Western District of Wisconsin | federal district court |
Wis., Wis.2d | Wisconsin Reports | KFW2445 .W5 |
WIS. ADMIN. CODE | Wisconsin Administrative Code | REF KFW2445 1956 .A225 |
Wis. L. Rev. | Wisconsin Law Review | In Periodicals Dept., 1960- |
Wis. Stat. | Wisconsin Statutes | KFW2430 .A2 (current edition in Reference) |
W.S.A., WIS. STAT. ANN. | Wisconsin Statutes Annotated | Ref KFW2430 .A23 |
For more complete lists of legal abbreviations and additional information consult
- Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations
- Ref KF246 .B46 1993
- The Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation
- Ref Desk KF245 .B58
- Black's Law Dictionary Ref KF156 .B53 1999
- Fundamentals of Legal Research Ref KF240 .J3 1990
- Shepard's citations series (abbreviations unique to series)
Also consult Karrmann Library Guides
- U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
- Wisconsin Court Decisions
- Wisconsin Statutes Annotated
How to read a legal citation
- 384 Wis.2d 219
- vol. pg.
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