Exploring the World of Information:

Exploring the World of Information is offered to area high school students through consultation with classroom teachers and media specialists. The library staff provides tours of the facility, presentations and hands-on instruction in the use of traditional and electronic information resources. This program is intended for college-bound students in their junior or senior year. Visits are assignment-centered. To optimize the introduction to the academic library, group size will be limited to about 20 students per visit. Arrangements should be made several weeks in advance of campus visit.

To arrange a visit to the library:

Contact: John Leonard Berg
Coordinator of Public Services

Address: Elton S. Karrmann Library
UW-Platteville, Platteville, WI, 53818.

Phone: 608.342.1355
Fax: 608.342.1645
E-Mail: bergjo@uwplatt.edu

Before visiting the library:

  • We request that the classroom teacher provide an outline/assignment topics so that these might be incorporated into the learning experience.
  • High School contact will receive a packet of information, including library and UW-Platteville materials.
  • To prepare for the visit, students may wish to explore the library web page.
  • Request library card per institution or instructor.

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