An excellent resource for consumer information online from the federal government.

Consumer Reports
Includes many unbiased consumer reports taken directly from the print version of the magazine on brand-name ratings for cars and trucks, appliances, electronics, and foods. Also has advice on health and nutrition and consumer services.

Consumer Search
"Consumer Search is a Web-based publishing company that helps consumers find answers about what products are top-rated or best bets in their class."

Consumer World
Consumer world is a public service, noncommercial guide cataloging over 2000 of the most useful consumer resources, such as online bank ratings, car prices, product reviews, listings for low-rate credit cards...and links to other consumer resources.

Federal Consumer Information Center
This site will take you to hundreds of consumer publications that you can read or order on-line.

Federal Consumer Information Center Consumer Action Web Site
The Consumer Action Web Site provides advice and consumer tips on wise purchasing of goods and services in many different sectors of the economy and how to prevent fraud.

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Protection
The Federal Trade Commission provides a wide variety of links to information on federal antitrust and consumer protection laws.

FIRSTGOV Consumer Guides and Protection
Features government links dealing with public safety, product safety, workplace safety, and includes recalls, complaints and scam information.

Food and Drug Administration
This site has information regarding the regulation of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices and animal feed and drugs. It includes recall information, safety alerts and other health information.

Gateway to Government Food Safety Information
A resource for news, consumer advice and safety alerts regarding food safety and foodborne pathogens.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NHTSA deals with vehicle safety issues as well as promoting safe driving behaviors.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC, an independent Federal regulatory agency, helps keep American families safe by reducing the risk of injury or death from unsafe consumer products.

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