Academic Affairs manages the academic programming efforts of UW-Platteville and its branch campus Baraboo Sauk County. At UW-Platteville, Academic Affairs includes three colleges: Business, Industry, Life Sciences and Agriculture (BILSA); Engineering, Mathematics and Science (EMS); and Liberal Arts and Education (LAE).

Our division also oversees the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL), the Continuing Education Institute (CEI), General Education, Graduate Programs, International Programs, the Karrmann Library, the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP), Student Access & Academic Support, the Textbook Center, and the University Governance Office.

Academic Affairs at UW-Platteville is committed to providing high-quality, affordably priced, well-rounded educational experiences for our students inside and outside the classroom. We abide by the following:

Operating Principles

  • Ensure that all students have the greatest possible opportunity to discover, pursue, immerse themselves, and succeed in excellent academic programs that meet their needs and their aspirations.
  • Develop a positive and inclusive environment for our faculty, staff and students providing an environment for success.
  • Promote an institutional culture that demands integrity and excellence in all of UW-Platteville’s academic activities, recognizing and respecting differences in mission, settings, and audience.
  • Partner with faculty and actively support UW-Platteville’s commitments to academic freedom and shared governance.
  • Support faculty and staff providing an environment that promotes a healthy work and life balance along with personal and professional success.
  • Foster faculty excellence in all forms of teaching, research, creative activity, and service.
  • Improve operations and efficiencies between campuses in order to take advantage of UW-Platteville’s scale and diversity, concentrate resources to pursue university priorities, reduce costs, and enlarge outcomes for students and faculty.
  • Innovate and support multi-campus and university-wide academic initiatives; establish (with appropriate faculty and campus leaders) plans, policies, and practices; and interpret and implement university academic policies; in order to better achieve the goals of the university.
  • Build trust across campuses to eliminate organizational and administrative barriers and promote the sharing of best practices.
  • Support technology-based instruction and learning both and through distance education.
  • Build educational programming through multiple modalities to increase access to education.
  • Encourage intellectual inquiry across disciplines to promote innovation and discovery.
  • Provide for the economic, social and cultural advancement of the greater Platteville community through continuing personal and professional education.
  • Cultivate a culture of sustainability across academic affairs to foster transdisciplinary learning opportunities for students to gain in‐demand skill sets that promote a sustainable campus and society.

Academic Affairs Priorities

  • Priority 1: Student Engagement
  • Priority 2: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Priority 3: Enrollment/Retention
  • Priority 4: Branch Campuses
  • Priority 5: Program Array

Contact Information

Provost & Academic Affairs

2400 Ullsvik Hall