Faculty and Staff Awards Program

Pictured left to right: Scott Steder, Liz Runde, Beth Tremelling, Leigh Monhardt, Adam Stanley
Congratulations to the recent award winners and grant recipients from the College of Liberal Arts and Education.
University of Wisconsin-Platteville Award Winners
- Jerry and Barbara Strohm Award for Excellence in Teaching - Eugene Tesdahl
- Dale and Susan Fatzinger Teaching Excellence Award - Alyssa Holan
UW System Award Winners
- UW System Alliant Energy James R. Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award - Gail Hoffmann
Excellence in Teaching Award
Purpose: This award is given in recognition of excellence in teaching, the foundation of our mission in the College of Liberal Arts and Education.
Eligibility: Any faculty or instructional academic staff member in the College of Liberal Arts and Education is eligible to receive this award.
Nomination: Nominations should include (a) a letter from the nominee describing their teaching philosophy; (b) up to three letters of support from colleagues and/or students; and (c) a teaching portfolio containing evidence of effective teaching (such as student evaluations, peer evaluations, syllabi, and sample assignments). Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations are due to the Associate Dean by March 15.
Presentation: Up to two winners (one faculty and one instructional academic staff) will be chosen by the College Selection Committee. Each will receive a plaque and a professional development grant at the college’s award reception at the end of the academic year.
This award combines what were previously known as the Teaching Excellence Award and the Academic Staff Excellence in Teaching Award.
Excellence in Academic Advising Award
Purpose: Effective advising is a high-impact practice in relation to student retention. The recipients of the Excellence in Academic Advising Award exemplify the best qualities of faculty and academic staff advisors.
Eligibility: Any faculty or academic staff member in the College of Liberal Arts and Education who serves as an academic advisor to students in the college is eligible to receive this award.
Nomination: Nominations should include (a) a letter from the nominee describing their advising philosophy and advising experience and (b) up to three letters of support from colleagues and/or students. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations are due to the Associate Dean by March 15.
Presentation: The winner will be chosen by the College Selection Committee and will receive a plaque and a professional development grant at the college’s award reception at the end of the academic year.
This award was previously known as the Outstanding Academic Advisor Award.
Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities Award
Purpose: This award is given in recognition of excellence in scholarship and creative activities and honors those whose work in these areas provides an outstanding example for other members of the college.
Eligibility: Any faculty or academic staff member in the College of Liberal Arts and Education is eligible to receive this award.
Nomination: Nominations should include (a) a letter from the nominee describing their recent accomplishments in scholarship and creative activities; (b) a current CV; and (c) up to two letters of support from colleagues. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations are due to the Associate Dean by March 15.
Presentation: The winner will be chosen by the College Selection Committee and will receive a plaque and a professional development grant at the college’s award reception at the end of the academic year.
This award was previously known as the Excellence in Professional Development Award.
Transitioning to Impact Award
Purpose: The Transitioning to Impact Award recognizes an outstanding team for demonstrated efforts to innovate in positive ways adding value to the lives of students, faculty, and/or staff and going beyond expectations to improve a function within the College of Liberal Arts and Education. This future-forward award acknowledges a team of change agents working collaboratively for the advancement of the college.
Eligibility: Any established or ad hoc group in the College of Liberal Arts and Education is eligible to receive this award. Entire departments are not eligible.
Nomination: Nominations should include a letter from the nominator(s) including the names of the team members and explaining how the team’s work has improved a function or innovated in positive ways. The nominator(s) should also provide examples of the impact made and how it has been received by individuals or groups within the college. Nominations are due to the Associate Dean by March 15.
Presentation: The winner will be chosen by the College Selection Committee and will be recognized on a plaque displayed in the dean’s office and at the college’s award reception at the end of the academic year. Each team member will receive an individual certificate.
This award was previously known as the Excellence in Teamwork Award.
Service to the College Award
Purpose: This award is given in recognition of service to the College of Liberal Arts and Education. Special consideration will be given to individuals who have demonstrated service above and beyond their normal duties.
Eligibility: Any faculty, academic staff, or support staff member in the College of Liberal Arts and Education is eligible to receive this award.
Nomination: Nominations should include a letter from the nominee describing their recent service to the college and/or up to two letters of support from colleagues. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations are due to the Associate Dean by March 15.
Presentation: Up to three winners (one faculty, one instructional academic staff, and one support staff) will be chosen by the College Selection Committee. Each will receive a plaque and a professional development grant at the college’s award reception at the end of the academic year.
This award combines what were previously known as the Excellence in Service Award and the Outstanding Service Award.