Alumni Awards
At Homecoming, we honor alumni and friends of the college who have distinguished themselves in education, artistic endeavors, and/or their chosen profession. The successes of these individuals, and their support of our programs, significantly contribute to the vitality of the college. Please take a moment to meet this year's awardees and consider nominating someone for one or more of the awards below.
Selection Procedure
Alumni Award nomination categories
- Distinguished Educator Award: Nominee must be an alumnus who is a classroom teacher, university/college professor, education administrator, or education specialist.
- Professional Achievement Award: Nominee must be an alum who is a "non-education" professional with noteworthy career success, outstanding scholarship, creative works, and/or demonstrated humanitarian commitment.
- Friend of the College Award: Nominee must be a person who or an organization that promotes the college, provides opportunities for the students, assists the faculty, or aids in the implementation of technology. Nominee does not need to be an alumnus.
Selection committee
The College Selection Committee will select all award winners within the College. The College Selection Committee will consist of five faculty members appointed by the Assistant/Associate Dean of the College for a term of three years(staggered appointments) and the Assistant/Associate Dean, who shall serve as chair (ex officio voting).