Clery crimes are crimes that Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are required to report under the Clery Act. These are also the crimes that are required to be disclosed in the Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report published every year Oct. 1.



The Clery Act requires that we disclose Clery crimes based on where the crimes occur. These property designations are known as “Clery Geography.” The Clery Act has designated three geographic categories for reporting. Crimes that occur outside of the three geographic categories are not subject to the Clery Act annual reporting requirements or to community notification requirements.  

On Campus Property

On campus refers to property that is owned or controlled by UW-Platteville and is within the same generally connected area. This includes academic and administrative buildings, unions, and athletic and event facilities. A subset of “on campus” is “on-campus residential housing.” This includes UW-Platteville residence halls. 

Non-Campus Property 

This is property that is owned or controlled by UW-Platteville, is used in direct support of, or in relation to, UW-Platteville’s educational mission, is frequently used by students, and is not generally connected to main campus. This includes property owned or controlled by a registered student organization. Examples of non-campus property include the "M", property owned or controlled by registered student organizations such as fraternities or sororities, and the University Farm. 

Public Property 

Public property includes thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks and parking facilities that are within campus or immediately next to or accessible to campus and on-campus property. The Department of Education uses a “sidewalk/street/sidewalk” rule to determine the boundary of public property.

Crime Log

In accordance with the Federal law known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act, the UW-Platteville Police Department maintains a Campus Crime Log, which contains information on alleged criminal incidents reported to UW-Platteville Police.  This crime log is available at the University Police Department, during normal business hours. 

  The Clery Act requires that the Log contain the following information with regard to each alleged incident: 

  1. The nature of the crime 
  2. The date the crime was reported to UW-Platteville Police 
  3. The date and time the crime allegedly occurred 
  4. The General Location of the crime; and 
  5. The disposition of the complaint, If known.  

The UW-Platteville Police Department’s Crime Log also includes a column for case numbers, which is not required by law, but which aids in recording and tracking a crime report. 
