Excellence and Innovation

The University of Wisconsin-Platteville leadership team is committed to the vision of the university and promoting student success, growth, and opportunity. The team is dedicated to offering an affordable, high quality education that prepares graduates for in-demand career fields. That is why UW-Platteville is consistently rated among the most affordable institutions in the state, with a high return on investment. The university has spearheaded efforts to engage in local communities, forging partnerships with industries and corporations that yield benefits for our students and the community. This collaboration ensures that when students graduate they are ready to meet the workforce’s needs. 

Dr. Tammy Evetovich was appointed the 15th Chancellor of UW-Platteville in April 2023. Previously, she served as the interim chancellor for nearly one year and in the role of provost for two years at UW-Platteville. Chancellor Evetovich’s priorities include fostering student success and excellent student outcomes by creating a campus culture with an imbedded pervasive attitude focused on the entire student.