What You'll Learn In The Mechanical Engineering Program

At UW-Platteville, mechanical engineering graduates find that their versatility, structured problem-solving skills, imagination, and persistence make them among the most sought-after employees in industries that include aerospace, automation, automotive, computer, and construction, as well as the medical field. Additionally, a bachelor of mechanical engineering degree provides an excellent background for those seeking advanced degrees in biomedical engineering, aerospace engineering, and business administration.

Mechanical engineering is the most popular major on campus. As the need for engineers in Wisconsin, the tri-state area and nation continues to grow, UW-Platteville aims to meet the demand from industry. As one of the region's leading mechanical engineering colleges, our graduates are prepared for successful careers in manufacturing, development, design, research, sales, field engineering, and management.

Mechanical Engineering Program Overview

A cornerstone of one of the most renowned engineering schools in the Midwest, studying mechanical engineering with UW-Platteville’s Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering puts you on the path to success. As a mechanical engineer, you’ll design, develop, build, and test everything from small individual parts and devices, like microscale sensors and inkjet printer nozzles, to large systems like spacecraft and machine tools, and everything in between, like biomedical devices.

The Mechanical Engineering program is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical Engineering Program Criteria and similarly named engineering programs. Our program places emphasis on the practical aspects of theory while demonstrating a commitment to building students’ teamwork and communication skills. The modern labs feature digital data acquisition and processing, providing students with valuable hands-on experience, and the excellent student-to-faculty ratio assures dedicated, quality interaction with the program’s faculty and advisors. These qualities make our campus the best place to earn a mechanical engineering degree in Wisconsin.

The Mechanical Engineering Program’s Student Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives are available in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Career in Mechanical Engineering

The field of mechanical engineering is broad. Mechanical engineers use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze opportunities and design all types of products, tools, appliances, engines, machines, and more. In the process of designing, mechanical engineering professionals must be able to investigate problems and recommend solutions, develop and test prototypes, test and analyze results, and oversee the manufacturing process. While mechanical engineers use computers extensively, they also tend to work a lot with their hands, rather than sitting at a desk in front of a computer all day.

Some examples of the many job titles people with mechanical engineering degrees hold include:

  • Mechanical engineer
  • Mechanical designer
  • Biomedical engineer
  • Engineering researcher
  • Aerospace engineer
  • Automotive engineer
  • Construction engineer
  • Production engineer
  • Product designer
  • Robotic engineer
  • Sales engineer

Discover by doing

You'll gain the valuable technical, communication, and collaboration skills employers seek through our Mechanical Engineering program. We focus on hands-on learning, which means you will practice designing, developing, building, and testing complex mechanical systems and discovering how to solve challenges.

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Biomedical Engineering Emphasis

Biomedical engineering is a broad field that combines engineering and science and applies them to the human body in order to improve the lives and health of all people. The biomedical emphasis in mechanical engineering at UW-Platteville builds on our university’s strengths in mechanical and electrical systems, anatomy and physiology, and hands-on experiences to give students skills in medical device development, so that they are ready to dive into a career in the medical device industry.

  • Only seven more credits than the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Research opportunities with faculty
  • Skills to succeed in biomedical industry, as well as all others because of the base in mechanical engineering
  • Senior design projects with biomedical companies

Manufacturing and Design Emphasis

Students interested in mechanical engineering can choose an emphasis in manufacturing and design. Students will learn how to conceptualize, design, fabricate, and produce their own ideas and discover new ways to help companies be more effective and efficient in their manufacturing processes.

  • Coursework includes advanced manufacturing processes, metalcasting technology, hot metal casting, and plastics processing
  • Research opportunities with faculty
  • Skills to succeed in manufacturing industry, using mechanical engineering principles and practices
  • Senior design project working with employers

World Champion Robotics Team

The Robotics Club’s VEX U team claimed the title of world champions after recently taking home first place in the competition that tasks students with constructing robots and competing with them in head-to-head matches.

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