The University of Wisconsin-Platteville prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct:

  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Sexual harassment

UW-Platteville is committed to maintaining and creating a community environment that is free from sexual violence and harassment.  We do so in compliance with Title IX and other federal and state laws, and in keeping with UW-Platteville's vision to be a university where faculty, staff, and students achieve excellence, create opportunities, and empower each individual.

What You Need to Know

  • Any sexual contact without consent is sexual assault.
  • Sexual violence is never the fault of the victim.
  • You are not alone: confidential support and resources are available.
  • You have the right to report to the university and to the police and can request assistance in reporting to the police.
  • Faculty and staff should be familiar with university policies and procedures, as well as university and community resources.
  • Faculty and staff should know how to direct victims to these policies and resources.

How You Can Make a Difference

  • Learn about, practice, and promote affirmative consent.
  • Hold your friends, classmates, and colleagues accountable for sexist comments and behaviors.
  • Intervene to stop sexual assault or harassment.
  • Listen to survivors without questioning, judgment, or victim-blaming.

Contact Information

Sexual Misconduct

1300 Ullsvik Hall

Title IX Coordinator
Amy Kasper