In the event of an emergency, notification to the University of Wisconsin-Platteville community will be provided through several communication channels.

  • PA system for campus-wide announcements.
  • Pioneer Alert text messages. Sign up!
  • Email alerts to all email users.
  • University website homepage.
  • UW-Platteville Facebook and Twitter.
  • City sirens.
  • For major events of a longer duration, ongoing updates will also be available at the UW-Platteville Update line, 608.342.7000.

The UW-Platteville uses a Behavior Review and Response Team when concerns are raised about the behavior of a student or employee.

Bomb threat

Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly, remain calm, see below and immediately get information for the bomb threat checklist.

If you receive a bomb threat by telephone:

  • Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. Do not hang up, even if the caller does.
  • If your phone has a record feature, press the button to activate it.
  • If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the authorities or, as soon as the caller hangs up, immediately notify them yourself.
  • Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest.
  • Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information.
    • If you have a caller identification telephone, what number is identified?
    • Were you able to distinguish whether the call came from on or off campus?
    • What is exact time the call was received?
    • Listen to the voice to determine sex, age, accents, lisps, etc.
    • Listen for background noises.
  • Do not make any remarks that would anger the caller, and if possible, engage the caller into a conversation.
  • Write down as much detail as you can remember. Try to get exact words.
  • Upon termination of the call, do not hang up, press [FLASH] on your phone and then dial *57 to activate a trace on the previous call.
  • From a different phone, call 911 and await instructions.

If a bomb threat is received by a handwritten note:

  • Call 911.
  • Handle note as minimally as possible to preserve fingerprints, etc.

If a bomb threat is received by email, call 911. Do not:

  • Use cellphones, radios, or any other piece of equipment that could create a spark within 300 feet of the area identified by the threat.
  • Activate fire alarm.
  • Touch or move a suspicious package.

If the area is evacuated, it should be cleared at least 500 feet from the area. People are more aware of their own work areas and can easily identify something that is out of place. A quick visual scan of the work area for anything that appears strange or unidentified packages, containers, or other suspicious articles should only take a few minutes. Areas which should be searched/checked include:

  • All unlocked cabinets, drawers, classroom furniture, trash receptacles, and other unsealed containers.
  • Seats of chairs, benches, and stools that are pushed under tables and desks
  • High shelves or ledges.

Class cancellations

The State of Wisconsin has delegated authority to the UW System for decisions concerning the cancellation of classes or the closing of campuses to the public due to inclement weather. At UW-Platteville, the chancellor determines whether to cancel classes. The chancellor also determines whether to close the campus to the public. Only the governor has the authority to close state offices, including university offices.

For more detailed information, see the UW-Platteville Class Cancellation and Campus Closure Policy.

Cancellation or closing announcements

You should avoid contacting police regarding road conditions or class cancellations unless an emergency exists. In the event of severe weather, you should contact the department or faculty member regarding class status.

The chancellor will make a decision whether to cancel classes or close the campus to the public. A press release will then be issued to local media outlets; a campus-wide email issued, information posted at, and on the UW-Platteville Update Line 608.342.7000.

Evening classes

The college dean, department chair, and faculty members will make the decision to postpone and reschedule evening classes on and off campus. As soon decisions are made, you can retrieve a message by calling a telephone number furnished by the instructor.


A system sends an announcement campus wide if a fire alarm is activated. If you know an alarm has been activated accidentally, call 608.342.1584 immediately. All fire alarms are treated as an emergency unless the on-duty officer is informed otherwise.

Stay at least 100 feet away from an evacuated building and remain in a group to account for all that should have evacuated. The fire department needs to be notified immediately if there is a possibility that someone may not have been able to safely evacuate, or a disabled person was left in an area of rescue.

Report potential hazards or refer fire prevention questions to the UW-Platteville Safety Office, 608.342.1188.

Familiarize yourself with locations of fire alarm pull stations and locations of fire extinguishers in your work area(s).


Once the alarm strobes are no longer flashing and the audible signal has silenced, occupants may re-enter the building.

Hostile intruder

When a hostile person enters a building threatening or causing harm to others, the following procedures are recommended.

  • Keep the room secured and quiet, until emergency response staff gives you additional instructions.
  • Do not sound the fire alarm system. A fire alarm would cause people to evacuate, and possibly place them in a potentially harmful situation.
  • Call 911.
  • Shut off lights, move away from doors and windows.
  • If the door opens in, close and barricade door by blocking it with a chair or door wedge at the base of the door, or any other means available.
  • If an intruder is in the room with you, options to consider include:
    • Active resistance to the intruder.
    • Trying to escape thru other exits or past the intruder.
    • Sheltering behind furniture.
    • Dialog with the intruder.

If you are in an open area, you need to make an immediate decision regarding your safety. You may have to find a safe place to hide; make a decision to run from the area, fight, or even attempt to negotiate with the individual(s).

Hopefully, you will never have to be involved in a hostile intruder situation. You should, however, spend time evaluating your work area(s), and become aware of potential escape routes. Ask yourself what would you do if someone came into your work area with the intentions of hurting your or someone else.


In the event of a medical emergency or a suspected emergency, dial 911. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Location of the sick/injured person.
  • Symptoms or injuries.
  • What happened.
  • What is currently being done.
  • Do not hang up the telephone until you are asked to do so by the dispatcher

A seriously injured person should not be moved unless he/she is in a threatening situation. Also, do not forget to check the area to make sure it is safe for you to be present. If possible, someone should remain with the person, keeping him/her warm, and monitor the person's breathing. If necessary, severe bleeding should be controlled by using direct pressure.

Psychological emergency

Psychological emergencies may include drug/alcohol overdoses, mental illness, violent behavior, or simply someone under a great deal of stress.

If there is an imminent danger or threat, dial 911. If necessary, go to another location, away from the individual to make the telephone call or have someone else call. Be prepared to provide the dispatcher with a detailed summary of the behavior involved, including any threats or weapons present, and if drugs or alcohol is involved.

While waiting for help to arrive, it is very important to be supportive, and avoid upsetting the individual. If possible, have someone meet the police officer to provide any additional information before the police officer approaching the person.

If at any time you are afraid the individual will become violent, as quietly as possible, leave the area for a safe place.

Severe weather

Severe thunderstorm: A thunderstorm that produces hail at least ¾ inch in diameter and winds of 58 mph or stronger.

Tornado watch: Weather conditions are favorable for a tornado. People are encouraged to watch for changing weather conditions and be prepared to take safety precautions if necessary.

Tornado warning: A tornado has been spotted, either by a trained spotter or the National Weather Service in the area or reported to be traveling toward the area.

Find additional storm information.

The City of Platteville provides storm warning notification through sirens for three minutes. The storm sirens are tested the first Wednesday of every month. In addition to the storm sirens, the Platteville Fire Department utilizes the siren system as a backup notification system to firefighters, in the event that the paging system fails.

The local radio, television stations, and various websites serving the Platteville area provide additional storm warning information.

University notification system

In the event that the UW-Platteville Police Department receives a severe storm or tornado warning, the on-duty officer activates the public address system to notify as many people as possible of the weather conditions. If time allows, on-duty officers will attempt to contact as many people as possible attending outdoors events, or in buildings that may not be served by the public address system.

What to do during a tornado warning

When a tornado warning is issued, building occupants should find interior shelter immediately.

  1. All occupants should stay together and move to the lowest level, interior hallway or other designated shelter area. Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums, and other large rooms with free-span roofs and areas with large expanse of glass.
  2. If time permits check all areas to see that all persons are sheltered.
  3. If the tornado is imminent, assume a protective position; on elbows and knees facing an interior wall with hands over back of your head, using a large book or other item for protection.

There will not be an all-clear provided. An assessment should be made of your area to determine whether it’s safe to move from the area or remain in place until help arrives. When you feel safe to move, account for all occupants and, if possible, prepare a list of those who are safe to the UW-Platteville police officers. You should prepare a separate list for persons with injuries or who are unaccounted for.

Sheltering in place

For certain types of emergencies, you will be requested to shelter in place rather than evacuate a building. In most cases, emergency personnel are already aware of the situation and there is no need to contact 911, unless there is a life-threatening injury or illness.


  • Stay inside the building or if outside seek indoor shelter immediately.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • If possible, go to a room or corridor where there are no windows and few doors.
  • Pre-plan by learning where the emergency shelters are located within your buildings.

In the case of a shelter-in-place order issued because of a potentially dangerous person on campus:

  • Immediately get inside the nearest building and proceed to an interior room if possible.
  • Close and lock all doors and windows, if possible. If the doors do not lock, move a table or desk in front of the door.
  • Stay put unless there is an immediate threat in your room, and do not leave for your next class if you are on campus.
  • Do not come to campus if you are off-campus and know a shelter-in-place warning is issued.
  • Monitor all text message alerts, emails, UW-Platteville social media sites, etc. for further information and updates.

In the event of an airborne release:

  • Close windows and doors.
  • If possible, seal cracks with anything available.
  • Turn off fans or air conditioning that has local area controls.
  • Seal ventilation ducts.
  • Avoid drinking tap water.

Suspicious activity

If you observe an activity that is suspicious or criminal, please contact the UW-Platteville Police Department, 608.342.1584 or Grant County Crime Stoppers, 608.723.4271 as soon as possible. A majority of crimes that occur on campus are solved by information received from members of the campus community.

Suspicious package or letter

If you receive a suspicious package or letter you should avoid handling it and follow the steps listed below.

  • Do not open the letter or package.
  • Gently set the letter or package down. If possible, cover it to prevent any type or airborne release.
  • Do not allow anyone else to handle the letter or package.
  • If someone else is present, have the person contact the UW-Platteville Police Department.
  • Evacuate the area, and if possible, restrict access to the area until police arrive.
  • Do not touch anything unless absolutely necessary, and thoroughly wash your hands. Remember to clean under fingernails, and pay special attention to cuts or sores.
  • Anyone who was in the area, or who many have handled the package or letter should be identified. If possible, everyone who was present should stay together in a separate area while waiting for the police to arrive.

How to identify a suspicious package or letter:

  • Is the envelope or package properly addressed to the recipient?
  • Addressed to someone who is no longer employed by the university.
  • No return address or one that cannot be verified as legitimate.
  • The envelope or package has a restrictive endorsement, such as "Personal" or "Confidential.”
  • The address is badly typed or written, and may have misspelled words.
  • Does the postmark correspond with the return address?
  • Was the postage affixed by the U.S. Post Office or an excessive number of stamps used?
  • Excessive amounts of tape of string used to seal the envelope or package. Parcel bombs may be wrapped with several different types of tape, marked "Fragile-Handle with care" or "Rush-Do Not Delay.”
  • Unusual weight, given the size of the item. Does the envelope feel as if it contains some type of substance, a squishy feeling? Packages may have irregular shape, soft spots, or bulges.
  • Strange odors or stains on the envelope or wrapping.

Violent or criminal behavior

All acts of violence should be reported as soon as possible. The behavior should be documented. What may appear to be just a one-time fit of anger, may be an indicator that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Contact Information

Crime Prevention and Security

8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday-Friday