In contribution to the academic mission of the university, the Department of Residence Life is excited to offer the option for students to live in themed communities based on academic pursuit or interest area.

Living Learning Communities

Living learning communities partner with the academic side of UW-Platteville to offer students to live and learn in the same community cohort. Students can sign up to live with other students who are studying the same major as they are. A program coordinator of the LLC collaborates with the resident assistant for academic and social programming.

Benefits of living within an LLC include:

  • Enhanced academic and social opportunities
  • Improved grade point average
  • Greater involvement in learning
  • Increased satisfaction with your UW-Platteville experience
  • Friendships with classmates who may be in the same classes and programs
  • Stronger academic relationships and better connections with faculty members

For living learning communities, students will pay an additional fee of up to $100 to support programming and event opportunities associated with their choice of community. Each LLC has a separate registration process. Please go to the website or contact the programmatic department for the LLC of your choice to register and submit the fee.

Interest Communities

Interest communities are available to students who share a common interest. These residential-based programs are designed to enhance the overall undergraduate student experience by fostering one-on-one relationships between faculty, staff, and students in a close-knit residence hall environment. Students are encouraged to explore intellectual, cultural, and social interests through experiential activities often linked to the academic curriculum. Unlike our LLCs, ICs do not have any programmatic fees associated with them. ICs are available to an entire building/floor community at no additional fee.

Many studies have shown that students living within interest communities often achieve higher grade point averages and are more likely to persist until graduation than those students not living in them. In our ICs, residents have a more effortless way of finding academic resources and social networks because these services will be readily promoted to them. If you are interested in living in one of the interest communities, select the building that hosts it as your first preference on your residence hall contract.

Contact Information

Residence Life

1300 Ullsvik Hall