1. What is Find It!?

Find It! is Platteville's name for SFX linking software sold by a company called Ex Libris. Find It! provides direct links from citations in certain databases to related services available for those citations. Additional services offered through Find It! include:

  • Links to full text.
  • Check holdings in Karrmann Library Catalog.
  • Request article via InterLibrary Loan (ILLiad).
  • Search for the author in Web of Science.
  • Need additional help? Ask a Librarian.

Not all of these services will always appear when you click the Find It! button. It depends on the database that you are searching and the information that is available for the citation.

2. Who can use Find It!?

Current faculty, staff and students, both on and off campus, may access library resources via the Find It! services available for those databases that work with Find It!. For more information see Guide for Off Campus Users.

3. Why does the number of options in the Find It! window vary?

When you click on the Find It! button, the system runs through Platteville's Find It! (SFX) database to see what services are available for that particular article or citation. Only those services which are available will display. Also, there may be an overlap among our Electronic Resources, so sometimes you will find that the full text is available from more than one source.

See the graphic below for an example of a Find It! window.

4. I clicked on the link for full text, but I only got to the journal's home page. Why?

Find It! will try to get you as close to the full text as possible. Often, because of the structure of the publisher's web site, Find It! can not link directly to the full text. Sometimes the best Find It! can do is to take you to the table of contents or the journal's home page, and you'll have to navigate the publisher's site yourself to get to the full text. Essentially, a full text link in Find It! means that full text is available, but you may have to do some work to get to it.

5. What do I do when I get an error or some other "not found" message?

If the article you need is a very recent article from a journal, it's possible the article has not been loaded on the web site, meaning Find It! cannot retrieve it. Unfortunately, you have to wait for the publisher to add the content to their site. Another problem could be that our Find It! links are wrong and need to be updated. Please let us know about any problems you may have so that we can try and fix them. Choose the "Ask a Librarian" link on the Find It! Menu, call 608-342-1668 or stop by the Reference Desk.

6. Why don't I see any Find It! links?

There may be several possible reasons. The database may not work with Find It!, the citation you found may not have enough metadata available to link with Find It!, or the Find It! link may be hard to find. Find It! links will appear in different places depending on the database that you are using.

It is also possible that no electronic full text is available for that journal. If there is no link to full text, check the Karrmann Library holdings in Search@UW to see if the library owns the journal in print.

7. How do I log into ILLiad (InterLibrary Loan)?

Use your UW-Platteville Net Login username and password

Find It! will automatically populate the fields with the relevant information from your article (see example). Once you login and hit the submit button, the request will be sent to our ILL Department for processing. You will receive an email notification telling you when the article is available, either in print at the ILL desk or that it has been scanned electronically and posted in your ILLiad account.

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