The Karrmann Library was built in 1968 and named after Elton S. Karrmann, who was born in Platteville in 1905. He earned his Bachelor of Education degree from Platteville State Teacher's College in 1925, graduated from the Law School at UW-Madison in 1931, and later served 15 years on the College Board of Regents – 13 of them as the vice president. 

The building houses multiple campus departments, including all library services. The library is open during the hours listed below with staff and/or student workers available at the circulation desk for assistance. Stop by to browse our collection, study in the lounges or private rooms, access computers with on-site printing, and more. 

Note: The north entrance doors (2nd/main floor) lock 15 minutes prior to closing time. The south entrance doors (1st floor) lock an hour prior to closing time except on Fridays.

Department Locations and Phones

Department Location Phone
Administration Room 208 608.342.1792
Acquisitions Third Floor 608.342.1647
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Room 208 608.342.1792
Cataloging Third Floor 608.342.1643
Circulation [ALMA Staff Login] Second (main) Floor 608.342.1679 or 1.888.450.4632
Collection Development Third Floor 608.342.1348
Government Publications Third Floor 608.342.1648
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Second (main) Floor 608.342.1648
Serials Third Floor 608.342.1647
Outreach Room 217 608.342.1355

The Southwest Wisconsin Room, including University Archives, Area Research Center (ARC), and Genealogy, is located in Ullsvik Hall - Ground Floor, contact 608.342.1719.

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