The Industrial Technology Management internship is designed as a culminating experience for students in the Department of Applied Engineering Technology Management. As such, the internship is expected to integrate formal academic studies with practical, hands-on, on-the-job work experience. Internships are recognized as a “high impact practice.” When the internship is successful, it melds theory and practice in one’s chosen field of study. Because this culminating experience is a high impact practice, University credit is awarded for each successful internship experience.

Each emphasis in the Industrial Technology Management degree requires at least three credits of internship, but you can take an additional five credits for technical elective credits. If you have a double emphasis (e.g., Building Construction Management and Building Construction Safety Management), you must take three credits of internship for each emphasis. An internship is for one semester. A co-op is an internship which lasts for two consecutive semesters: summer-fall, spring-summer, or fall-spring.


Frequently Asked Questions