The University of Wisconsin-Platteville Dean of Students office provides access to resources for students, faculty and staff, and parents.

  • Tips on managing crises and emergencies
  • Information about student conduct
  • Tips for online safety and student privacy

Below are links to some commonly used resources. For more information on any of these topics, contact the Dean of Students Office at or 608.342.1854.

Academic Integrity
UW-Platteville adheres to UW System Chapter 14 for policies about academic misconduct. The Dean of Students Office has provided students with a document to educate them about the definitions of academic misconduct and the adjudication process.

Alcohol and Other Drug Policy
UW-Platteville takes the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs seriously. All students are held responsible for the UW-Platteville alcohol policy. You should note that the misuse of alcohol and/or drugs can result in adjudication both from the State of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

Drug Free Schools & Campuses Biennial Review

Class Absence
UW-Platteville has general guidelines for action in the event of your absence from campus and classes. The Dean of Students Office cannot excuse a student absence but can work with you.

Consumer Information 
Federal and state regulations require universities to provide enrolled and prospective students with certain consumer information. This list provides links to information regarding required disclosures. For more information on a particular topic, please contact the relevant office or the Dean of Students office.

Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of all student records.

Helping Students in Distress
This document provides advice and tools for faculty and staff to respond to students in distress.

Rights and Responsibilities
Being a student at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville entitles you to certain rights regarding your educational experience. These rights are balanced with responsibilities for you to be a productive and cooperative member of the UW-Platteville community.

Student Complaint Process
If you have a complaint, or want information to resolve concerns on your own, the Dean of Students office can help.

Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is a document that contains policies and procedures for all three UW-Platteville campuses, including the Student Code of Conduct.

Temporary Disability Resources
Have you been injured or are you experiencing some type of temporary illness and aren't sure what to do? This is a list of resources and recommendations with contact information and steps to take.

Tips for Classroom Management
The Dean of Students Office, along with department chairs, can assist faculty and staff in issues of classroom disruptions or other similar concerns.

University Bias Incident Team
UBIT is a group of campus representatives committed to supporting students, faculty, and staff who have been affected by a bias incident.

University and Local Resources
This is a compiled list of both on-campus and off-campus local resources which include contact information and websites.

UW-Platteville Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy
UW-Platteville takes issues of sexual misconduct very seriously. All students, staff, and faculty are held responsible for the UW-Platteville Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy. You should note that allegations of sexual misconduct can result in adjudication both from the State of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

Contact Information

Dean of Students

1300 Ullsvik Hall