Section 1
Membership in the Chapter shall consist of four classes: Active; Associate; Honorary; Life

Section 2
Any alumnus, student or former student of the Wisconsin Mining Trade School, Wisconsin Mining School, Wisconsin Institute of Technology, Wisconsin State College and Institute of Technology at Platteville, Wisconsin State University-Platteville, or the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and having completed one year or more of study in the Engineering, Mathematics or Science curriculum, shall become an Active Member in the Chapter upon payment of the prescribed dues.

Section 3
Any person of similar interest or vocation shall become an Associate Member of the Chapter with payment of such dues as may be prescribed. Except for the right to vote or hold offices in the Chapter, an Associate Member shall have the same privileges as an Active Member.

Section 4
The Chapter Board of Directors shall have the authority to grant an honorary Chapter Membership to any person who has gained distinction and brought credit to the engineering, mathematics or science profession. Not more than two such memberships may be granted in any one calendar year. Persons in the engineering, mathematics or science profession, and awarded an Honorary Membership by the Alumni Association, shall automatically become Honorary Members of the Chapter. Such membership shall be accomplished by deposit or investment of a sum sufficient to insure annual dues payment to the Association, and such sum sufficient shall be determined and administered by the Alumni Association of the University.

Section 5
Life Memberships may be acquired by any Active Member. Such membership shall be accomplished by deposit or investment of a sum sufficient to insure annual dues payment to the Association, and such sum sufficient shall be determined and administered by the Alumni Association of the University.

Section 6
The payment of dues shall be prescribed by the Alumni Association and shall be a standing requirement for Active Membership status, Dues for Associate, Honorary and / or Life Memberships, when not so prescribed, shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Chapter. A predetermined percentage of dues paid to the Alumni Association, established by the Alumni Association Board of Directors, shall be returned to the Chapter along with any amount over and above the specified payments.


Section 1
The administration and management of the Chapter shall be vested in a Board of Directors which shall consist of the Officers as prescribed in the Constitution and four Directors as elected by the membership. All elected members of the Board shall be Active, dues paying Members of the Alumni Association and the Engineering, Mathematics and Science Chapter. The presiding officer of all recognized constituent groups of the Chapter shall be an ex-officio member of said Board, without voting rights.

Section 2
The terms of elective office shall be three years for Officers and Directors. Said terms of office shall commence from the time of election and qualification, and continue until successors are duty elected and qualified.

Section 3
The Chapter Board of Directors shall give effect to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Chapter and the Association, and shall determine such other policies and programs as may be necessary or desirable to further the objectives of the Chapter. The Board shall have the power to expend monies to employ help, and to reimburse its members for their services and expenses. The appointment of Officers and determination of salaries shall be at the discretion of the Board, but in no case shall the term of such employment exceed the jurisdiction of the particular Board.

Section 4
The function and duties of the Officers and Directors shall be such as are implied by their respective titles and as follows:

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors, and shall implement the policies and programs prescribed herein or hereafter adopted by the Board of Directors or the Chapter as a whole. He / She is hereby authorized to appoint committees and chairpersons thereof, and to take such other actions as he / she deems necessary for the proper administration of adopted policies and programs and other affairs of the Chapter.
  2. The Vice Presidents shall administer particular program activities, shall assist the President in the discharge of his / her duties and shall accept and carry out such duties and assignments as are delegated to them by the President or Board of Directors. In the case of a vacancy in the office of the President. The First Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency and the Second Vice President shall succeed the First Vice President.
  3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Chapter and be custodian of all records, memorials or documents which belong to the Chapter. He / She shall issue notices in advance of all meetings and subsequently describe the substance of such proceedings. He / She shall solicit names, addresses and occupations of persons eligible for Active Membership and periodically inspect the records of Active, Associate and Honorary Members. He / She shall take care of official correspondence, and perform such other duties as may be specified by the President or Board of Directors.
  4. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies of the Chapter and deposit general funds in a bank an established Engineering, Mathematics and Science Alumni Account with the UW-Platteville Foundation or other UW-Platteville Foundation fund to be chosen by the Board of Directors. He / She shall keep an appropriate record of all financial transactions, report thereon to the membership at the annual meeting and at such other time as may be requested by the President or Board of Directors, and shall provide a complete report on the year's financial activities for submission to the Chapter at its annual meeting. All checks shall be drawn by the Treasurer and approved by the Board, or such other elected officer as may be so designated. An audit, if required by the Board, is to be performed on the Chapter's accounts every three yean. This audit will be conducted in the time period immediately prior to the election or appointment of the new treasurer and a report submitted at the meeting that the election occurs. This audit is to be formally accepted by the Board of Directors.
  5. The Past President shall be primarily concerned with providing continuity with policies and programs implemented in the past to further the objectives of the Chapter. He / She shall assist the President in the discharge of his / her duties and shall accept and carry out such duties and assignments as are delegated to him / her by the President or Board of Directors.
  6. The Directors shall be primarily concerned with the determination of policies and programs that are in accord with the purposes of the Chapter and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to them or become necessary under the articles of this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 5
Any vacancy on the Chapter Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment by the Presiding Officer, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and shall be for the unexpired term of such office. Appointees shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified.


Section 1
An Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be held in the fall of the year at a time and place to be fixed by the Chapter Board of Directors. The time and place of the next meeting of the Board shall be set during the current meeting of the Board and notice thereof she also be included in the regular mailings made to voting members.

Section 2
Special Meetings of the Chapter or Board of Directors may be called by the President or on petition in writing and signed by ten or more Active Members. Notice of such meetings, stating the time, place and nature of business to be conducted shall be mailed to all Active Members or Chapter Board Members as the case may require, at least ten days prior to the date of the Special Meeting.

Section 3
The Board of Directors shall hold meetings at times and places to be selected by said Board, and each member thereof shall be given due notice of all such meetings.

Section 4
A quorum for any meeting of the Chapter shall be the members present and voting. A quorum of the Chapter Board of Directors shall be five members thereof, provided however, that in the absence of such quorum, the meeting may be continued to a future time.

Section 5
All meetings of the Chapter she be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order to the extent that such conduct is not otherwise governed by this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1
The election of Officers and Directors shall take place at the Annual Meeting. The elected terms for all Chapter Board Members will be for three years. The first year, the President, First Vice President and a Director will be elected. The next year, the Secretary and two Directors will be elected. The final year, the Second Vice President, Treasurer, and a Director will be elected. Such elections shall be by voice vote of all members present at the Annual Meeting or by sealed ballot which shall be counted by tellers duly appointed for that purpose.

Section 2
A Nominating Committee appointed by the President and consisting of not less than three Active Members, shall secure and place in nomination at least one candidate for each elective office to be filled during the particular year. Additional candidates may be placed in nomination by petition therefore signed by five or more Active Members and filed with the Secretary not less than forty days prior to the time of such election.

Section 3
All Active Members shall be eligible to vote in the annual elections.

Section 4
Each officer or director so elected shall be eligible to assume office immediately and shall qualify for such office upon indicating his/her acceptance thereof.

Section 5
No officer or director shall succeed himself / herself for more than two consecutive terms except the Secretary and the Treasurer.


Constituent groups of the Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Chapter may be formed by any group of alumni for the purpose of furthering the interests of the Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Chapter. Such constituent groups may be established in any community, state, or other geographic area. Constituent groups shall be eligible for recognition by the Board of Directors of the Chapter when numbering ten or more active members.


Section 1
Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Alumni Chapter Board of Directors may establish an account with the UW-Platteville Foundation. This account may be the recipient of special gifts, donations, devises, and bequests of money and personal property. This find shall be managed by the UW-Platteville Foundation, but deposits and / or withdrawals from the account will be done by the Chapter Board of Directors. Any income there-for may be used to support the objectives and purposes of the Chapter as deemed prudent by the Board of Directors.

Section 2
The Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Alumni Chapter shall establish an account at a bank, selected by the Chapter Board of Directors where general funds may be deposited and/or withdrawn for the purpose of funding the general operating budget of the Chapter.

Section 3
The Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Alumni Chapter is hereby authorized to establish an Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Alumni Fund with the UW-Platteville Foundation; to receive gifts, contributions, devises and bequests of money and real and personal property; and invest, care for, manage and control all monies and properties so received and disburse and disperse both the principal and interest therefrom for the purpose of advancing the standards of the engineering, mathematics, and science departments of the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science it represents.
To the end that these purposes be realized, expenditures of monies and properties may be made for: the purchase of technical and scientific equipment, instruments, constructions, or supplies; for scholarships for needy and deserving students of promising caliber; for the payment of salaries and expenses, in whole or in part, of instructors and other technical and scientific advisers or lecturers at the engineering, mathematics, and science departments within the College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science; for the operation and administrative expenses of the Chapter and for any and all other uses of the monies and properties as, in the judgment of the Chapter Board of Directors, shall contribute in achieving the above stated purpose.


These By-Laws for the government of the Chapter may be changed or amended by a majority vote of the membership present at an annual meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.


In the event that the Engineering, Mathematics and Science Chapter should cease to exist, the UW-Platteville Alumni Association shall be the recipient of all monetary assets of the Chapter.

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College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science

Regular Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m., Mon.-Fri. | Summer Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

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