Innovation Living Learning Community
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville is proud to offer a living learning community (LLC) for any first-year or second-year students who are interested in innovation. The Innovation Living Learning Community is located in the recently renovated Dobson Hall.
The Innovation LLC will help in your transition to college life and provide an opportunity for you to develop meaningful friendships with other students. Students will build strong personal and academic networks with each other and with faculty and professionals.
To join the Innovation LLC, you must be an incoming first or second-year student during the fall semester. Students of all majors can participate. Participants are required to enroll in BUSADMIN 2990: Business and Entrepreneurship Experiential Learning, a one credit course.
As a member of the Innovation LLC, you will have many unique opportunities, including:
- Learn how to bring a napkin sketch prototype or innovative idea to market.
- Enhanced academic and social opportunities.
- Greater involvement in learning.
- Increased satisfaction with your UW-Platteville experience.
- Friendships with classmates who may be in the same classes and academic programs.
- Priority access to the Huff Family Innovation Center.
- Be part of developing a unique program.
Activities and events in the LLC are designed to build connections between members and faculty and to help members grow personally and professionally. Activities and events may include:
- Study groups and tutors.
- Interactive events with industry professionals and professors and staff.
- Presentations and workshops on academic and campus involvement, career exploration, resume building, and interviewing.
- Social activities on and off campus.
- Activities to inspire innovation.
- Other activities as requested by members.
Experiential Learning Class Schedule
Students are expected to enroll in and complete BUSADMIN 2990: Business and Entrepreneurship Experiential Learning. This 1-credit course is an intensive in-person weekend experience, with a reflection paper due at the end of the semester.
Complete the Innovation LLC Registration. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Single rooms are not allowed in the LLC unless there is an approved medical request.
Registration closes June 1 or when the LLC is full. You will not be assigned a room in the LLC until your Residence Life Contract is complete. For questions, email
New Freshmen or Transfer Students
Steps to become a part of the Innovation LLC:
- Be sure to check “Innovation LLC (Dobson Hall)” as your preference on your housing application.
- Submit your housing application and deposit to Residence Life. You can login again and change it if you have already submitted your housing application.
- Complete the online Innovation LLC Registration online form.
You are not officially in the Innovation LLC until all three steps are completed above and you have received your acceptance email. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first served basis. Single rooms are not allowed in the LLC unless there is an approved medical request.
Returning Sophomores
You are guaranteed a spot in the LLC as long as you sign up on the Innovation LLC registration by Feb. 28. You must complete your Residence Life Contract AND register for the Innovation LLC. Please list your roommates and make sure they do the same when they register. If you are unsure who you plan to room with, you can let us know or change your roommate later. Typically, the deadline to make a roommate change is May 1.
Same Room Sign-Up
The LLC wing in Dobson Hall is blocked in the sign-up process with Residence Life to prevent anyone from signing up. Anyone who tries to sign up, including you, will get an error when they try to sign up for the Innovation LLC wing through the Residence Life Process. Email Residence Life ( to let them know you plan to be in the Innovation LLC and want the same room. This can be changed later if you want a different room that is open. Typically, the deadline for a different room is June 1.
Different Hall or Room Sign-Up
If you are signing up when it is time to sign up for any residence hall and room, you can choose a random room to reserve a space in Dobson Hall. You will still need to email Residence Life ( that you plan to reside in the Innovation LLC.
There is a $100 fee to cover the cost of increased staffing and programming. The fee will be posted in your PASS account with fall tuition. You MUST inform us by May 1 if you decide to not live in the LLC by emailing Otherwise, the fee will come out of your PASS account. When you sign up you are taking a spot, if you change your mind, then we need to fill your spot.
Cancellations and Refunds
If you decide not to attend UW-Platteville or choose not to be in the Innovation LLC after you have signed up, you may request a refund of your $100 fee, minus a $10 processing fee, by emailing If a student leaves the LLC, they will no longer be part of the community. The $100 programming fee is not pro-rated or refunded in part.
Wait List
Applications for the wait list are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be notified if a spot is available in the LLC. Unless you are notified, please do not send in your $100 fee. If you are entering UW-Platteville for spring semester, email to find out if there are any openings.